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Meet the Board

Our members come from a variety of backgrounds across Norfolk.

Blurred photo of people meeting at a round table

We have representatives from:

  • A range of business sectors - including agri-food, clean energy, creative, and financial services
  • Different areas of Norfolk
  • Areas of different sizes and populations

They help deliver the Board's vision for inclusive economic growth, in partnership with business, education, the voluntary sector, and local authorities.

Main board members

Councillor Alistair Beales

Leader of the Borough Council of King's Lynn and West Norfolk

Amy Griffiths

Chief Executive Officer of Citizens Advice Diss, Thetford and District

Councillor Carl Smith

Leader of Great Yarmouth Borough Council

Charlie Wright

Chief Customer Officer for Epos Now

Professor David Maguire

Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of East Anglia

Denise Hone

Senior Stakeholder Manager for the Norfolk Offshore Wind Zone

Councillor Kay Mason Billig

Leader of Norfolk County Council

Mark Gorton

Founder and Managing Director of Traditional Norfolk Poultry

Councillor Mike Stonard

Leader of Norwich City Council

Nick Steven-Jones

Chief Executive Officer of Jarrold

Nova Fairbank

Chief Executive of Norfolk Chambers of Commerce

Paul Padda

Principal and Chief Executive Officer at East Coast College

Robin Milton

Founder of Fairer Games

Councillor Sarah Suggitt

Deputy Leader of Breckland Council

Stephen Crocker

Chief Executive and Creative Director of Norwich Theatre

Councillor Tim Adams

Leader of North Norfolk District Council

Broadland District Council

Representative to be confirmed

South Norfolk Council

Representative to be confirmed

Alternate board members

Candy Richards

East Anglia Development Manager for the Federation of Small Businesses

Lucy Hogg

Director of Voluntary Sector Infrastructure at Voluntary Norfolk

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